Current first and second year Doxa Cadets
We have now interviewed around 100 amazing young people and shortlisted 45 for our 2018 Cadetship program.
These young people are resilient, determined, ambitious and incredibly talented. They’ve all got a place at university; they just lack the financial backing and professional network needed to succeed.
Students may have come from a low socio-economic background, have had tough times at home, come from single parent families or be from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse background. Many are the first in their family to attend university.
Every year we match as many young people as we can with a sponsor company to support them throughout university, and we are always looking for new program partners.
10 places have already been found, with 35 more spaces available.
If you work for a company that has a CSR alignment and is interested in supporting a young person throughout their degree with a work placement, a mentor and financial assistance, then please get in touch: