Doxa Alumni Preethi Jeeva
Imagine if you were the first one in your family to go to uni, had no exposure to the corporate world, and no access to professional networks. Getting to where you are now would be hard – right?
Each year we meet many talented young people through our Cadetship program who have the grades to get into university but may not have the financial support, positive role models or life opportunities to make that happen on their own.
That’s why we need you.
Do you work at an organisation that:
[gdl_icon type=”icon-asterisk” color=”#0048BB” size=”10px”] invests in its future talent
[gdl_icon type=”icon-asterisk” color=”#0048BB” size=”10px”] is committed to providing high-quality skilled volunteering opportunities to its workforce
[gdl_icon type=”icon-asterisk” color=”#0048BB” size=”10px”] cares about its corporate social reputation
Yes? Then let’s have a conversation.
We need sponsors for our Cadetship program for 2016-17. Sponsor companies provide a young person with the opportunity to put their life challenges behind them and accompany them on a journey to complete university and gain the skills for an employable future.
To give you a brief overview of what’s involved; every young person on our Cadetship program receives financial support, an annual work placement and a professional development program.
Our sponsor companies (that’s you… we hope) provide up to eight weeks professional experience each year of the Cadetship. After getting involved in projects and generally being superstars around the office, some Cadets go on to secure graduate roles within their work placement organisations.
What’s more, the Cadetship program provides a fantastic skilled volunteering opportunity for your existing workforce, as in-house mentors play a large part in the Cadet’s development journey.
As a corporate sponsor you will play a vital role in a young person’s personal and professional development. That’s an awesome thing to be a part of. What do you think? Keen for your company to get involved? Drop us a line.