The theme for TEDxMelbourne 2016 was “adventurous minds”. Curated by Doxa supporter and speaker Jon Yeo the event brought together some of the brightest minds, innovative ideas and rad  people in Melbourne for one day. We were in attendance and thought it would be helpful to share our top 3 talks with you, what we learnt from them and how we could apply this to our work at Doxa.

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“More than we appear” – Jade Hameister

Jade was on stage for the first TED talk of the day which was a bold programming choice and set the tone for the “Adventurous Minds” conference. She spoke confidently and passionately about issues facing young women, how to conquer fear, push possibilities and exceed expectations. The talk resonated with me as facing fear, challenging the status quo and pushing the boundaries of experience are all things I personally really value in life. Jade was one of the most powerful speakers of the day; what a fantastic role model for young people, particularly young women. At Doxa we support young people in achieving personal greatness, so let’s get inspired by Jade and continue to back our young people, our young women and encourage them to be bold, brave and brilliant every day.

– Belinda Rowse, Public Relations Officer

Lets commit to take one step forward in our thinking and our expectations as to what young women can achieve…We must have courage. We must be prepared and willing to fail.

“Gifts in shitty wrapping paper” – Jules Allen

Jules Allen delivered the TEDx talk which resonated with me the most. Jules is a leading youth advocate and foster carer for 32 children over the years. Jules spoke from the heart about the change that needs to occur in the way we approach how we cope with the hardships and cruel blows life deals us. Her powerful speech addressed the shortcomings of simply focusing on building resilience and proposed the key ingredient missing when assisting people through these challenges was acceptance. When grief is unshakable and people found it difficult to move forward in life, we all need to be more accepting of the curve balls in life and to move forward because of them, not despite them. Her words will hopefully equip me for the inevitable tough moments in life which challenge us to the core.

– Pip Macdonald, Cadetship Lead

In society we are taught there are them and us. The ones you’re encouraged not to play with, working in those jobs, going to those schools. We judge. Challenge that judgement. There is no them and us, only us.

“Souffles, gymnasts and the workplace of the future” – Dr Agustin Chevez

Dr Agustin Chevez took a simple, boring question “how many people can fit in an office?” and brought it to life. I couldn’t believe that such a boring subject could become something so full of wonder. His creative approach to a simple idea brings problem solving to a whole new level – and I certainly hope I can apply this to my work in turn.

Dan Gibney, Brand & Communications Coordinator

The number of people that fit inside a building might be as uninspiring as 42, but the reason why I think this adventure is so exciting, is because the path to finding that number is the same path to understand what makes us us.

Get inspired by a multitude of adventurous minds and ideas in these TEDxMelbourne talks